Quit Playing Games: Maryland Fathers Rights

Maryland Fathers Rights
There is absolutely no question that the most contentious aspect of many divorces is deciding the issue of child custody. After all, for many parents your children are your greatest assets. For most fathers, the prospect of battling their spouse or partner for custody of their children feels like a battle in which the odds are already stacked against them. In Maryland, there are several unfounded myths regarding Maryland Fathers Rights that need to be clarified.

Maryland Fathers Rights Myth No. 1: Women Automatically Have the Upper Hand in Child Custody Matters.

At the start of any custody proceeding, neither the mother nor father has an unfair presumption of custody rights over the other. Thanks to outdated and antiquated gender norms, however, there is still a perception that the courts unfairly favor the mothers. Typically, for many couples that are going through custody battles, the courts are willing to start at a place of shared or joint custody, so long as their are no issues of abandonment or other custody related concerns. 

Maryland Fathers Rights Myth No. 2: If child support is not paid to the custodial parent, the child can be withheld from the non-custodial parent.

No matter what, both parents are bound by the agreed-upon custody arrangement or court order. Although, it can be frustrating to not receive child support, there are methods to alleviate the financial burden including filing for contempt or seeking the assistance of Maryland Child Support Administration. However, child support enforcement is a separate issue from physical custody and is not a valid reason to withhold a child from the parent who is not paying child support

Maryland Fathers Rights Myth No. 3: A checkered past means you will probably not get custody of your children.

The courts generally recognize that children benefit from the involvement of both parents. While there are some legitimate reasons to bar parents from having access to their children substance abuse, child abuse, and other reasons — it is exceedingly uncommon for courts to award sole physical AND legal custody to one parent due to a parent’s criminal record. So, if you have been arrested for or even pleaded guilty to nonviolent offenses, like petty theft or simple possession, don’t resign yourself to thinking that you will miss out on being in your child’s life. 

Maryland Fathers Rights Myth No. 4: Married fathers have a stronger case, relative to unmarried fathers, to have access and custody.

Maryland law recognizes the rights of both married and unmarried parents to have access to their children. If you are an unmarried father, you may first need to establish paternity. Depending on how amicable things are with the child’s mother, and several other factors, there are multiple ways to accomplish an access schedule that works for everyone.

Speak with an Experience Maryland Fathers Right Attorney Today to Discuss Your Options in Montgomery County, Maryland and Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Usually, the most effective way to ensure your child grows up in a loving, stable household is to come up with a parenting plan with your spouse or co-parent. At the Law Office of LaSheena M. Williams, we recognize that this isn’t always possible, to develop a co-parenting plan during a contentious breakup; sometimes, you must turn to the court to determine the best arrangements for your child. In this context, many fathers often feel apprehensive about turning to a system that, deserved or not, has a reputation for favoring mothers. 

Our firm has extensive experience helping fathers assert their rights in and out of family court, and we are honored to hell you maintain your Maryland Fathers Rights as well. Please schedule your appointment today set up an appointment with the Law Office of LaSheena Williams today so we can begin fighting for you. 

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