Interim Protective Orders v Temporary Protective Orders v Final Protective Orders in Maryland

If you need assistance in filing for a protective order in Maryland, we can help you explore your legal options. Maryland Domestic Violence Attorney, LaSheena Williams, discusses what happens when you file for a protective order in Maryland.

Thank you for joining me today my name is LaSheena Williams and I am a Maryland family law attorney. My firm helps our clients take control of out of control domestic situations. Today we will be talking about the difference between an interim protective order a temporary protective order and a final protective order.

What Is An Interim Protective Order And How Do You Get One?

An interim protective order is an order you receive from a district court commissioner and what that means is it’s an enforcement agent who is authorized to review your petitions for protective orders and grant you a temporary order until that matter can go before a circuit court or district court judge.

What Is A Temporary Protective Order And How Do You Get One?

A temporary protective order is an order of court. You can get a temporary protective order from a district court or circuit court judge if you have experienced abusive contact or threatening contact from an intimate partner. The order typically lasts between like one week or two weeks and it’s normally the precursor to you filing for a final protective order.

What Is A Final Protective Order And How Do You Get One?

A final protective order is an order that is typically about one year long, even though you can get it extended for up to two years, and you would get that order by presenting evidence of recent violent contact or recent abusive contact with an intimate partner to a district court or circuit court judge. If you have any questions about interim protective orders temporary protective orders or final protective orders or even any questions about domestic issues in Maryland please feel free to subscribe to my channel for future updates. Please also give us a call at 301 778-9950 to speak with an attorney today.

Check Out Our Related Domestic Violence Blog Posts:

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◾ Protect Yourself: Defend Against a False Protective Order in Maryland  |

Contact the Law Office of LaSheena Williams today to learn more about how we can help support you with your petition for a protection in Maryland.

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